Friday, March 13, 2009

There's a first for everything!

Today Matthew called me at 1:30p.m. and told me he was going to be home in 10 minutes. He said to plan to go out for a few hours by myself and he would watch Ava, pick up Isaac from school--the whole enchilada. I contemplated how to spend my valuable time and in the end I decided to...

go to a movie by myself!

I have never done that before. And to top it off I went to the good old Henderson theatre and I was the only person in the movie. I have to say it was a first for me, but really relaxing.
P.S. I'm sorry about the Valentines background but for some reason I can't get my background to change right now.


becbloggin said...

YAY for you! that is wonderful...good hubby :)

Andrea said...

Good for you Michelle! That's AWESOME! I have to admit that sometimes I think I am VERY lucky that I work and Bryson and I share the responsibility of being a stay at home parent. It's NOT easy!

Mandy Frehner said...

Good for you. I think I would into shock mode and not know what to do with myself! Please say you ate an entire thing of popcorn too. No movie experience is complete without it!

HammondFam said...

Wow, a few hours to that's what I'm talking about!! I'm glad you were able to get away! :)

Jacob and Mindy T. said...

WOW! Yay for a thoughtful think he could talk to mine for me?! LOL just kidding. That's so nice to be able to spend time by yourself doing whatever you want. :)

Me said...

I'm proud of you! I would love to do that, it sounds so relaxing.

Nat said...

I'm jealous!!! Good for you! What movie did you see? I can get Joey to watch the kids but its usually not to do something cool like that... more like go grocery shopping at 9pm or something.

Anonymous said...

awwwwwwwwe I miss Utah. You and Kristen are so beautiful. I love that picture of her and Maya. And of course your BABES are adorable too! Glad to hear you are doing so well :)